Hello awesome peepow-! I would like to start off this blog post with fantabulous news ( wow I DO sound bimbotic )...
LOL okay although I didn't managed to get into the hotel of my choice which is Sheraton Langkawi, but I did manage to get into Shangri-La Golden Sands. And it turns out they DO provide accommodation after all *phew* thank gawd. So now all I hope for is that they provide allowance too harhar imma greedy punk.
Left the house for Ariel's place at 10.45am'ish on Wed, ta pao'd McD and headed to college for our weekly game of dodgeball. Or as I'd like to call it... physical therapy. Sports carnival FML. Mamak'd after that and all of us went in a convoy even though I knew the way there lol but it wasn't my fault because I didn't knew that it was THERE there... if you get what I mean.
All of us spontaneously decided to go yum'cha' at The Curve later at night. The 3 losers headed back to Ariel's place to bath and what not. Wen Yi and I even had a very sentimental talk about friendship right Wen =) Borrowed Ariel's dress because I didn't have anything else to wear besides my Seafield T and pink beach shorts/pyjamas -.-
We couldn't wait any longer so we went to Ikea to have dinner because we were mad hungry. Hot dogs were super small according to Wen and Ariel but what do you expect for RM2 right. And I hate Ikea's high chairs, they're very unkind to people like me -.-
Harhar very unglam picture of Ariel. Refilled the soda 2 and a half times because WE IS KIASU PEEPOW. Got my stupendous RM1 ice-cream then we went back to The Curve to walk around a lil bit more.
OMG I just have to bitch about this fcking waiter there. Wen and I ordered strawberry and peach daiquiri but he brought peach and lime instead. So refusing to pay for the lime one, he told me "you just drink this laa kay only flavour different, drink still the same" like what the fuck is your problem?! And mind you he didn't say it in a nice way okay. So in the end Seng Fatt had to take the drink instead omg so sorry XP
Kay maybe you might not get the actual gravity of the situation but, well I guess you had to be there to witness the entire thing. Fcking dickwad. Went to Sunway Giza later that night and everything after that was just... Mad blur and super mind boggling.
That pic below you and ariel's are you and andrea?? or somebody else?