Saturday, June 26, 2010


Thank you =) *yawns*

I Won't Give In

I don't want to remember the days when we fought about me being reckless or even over the tiniest and stupidest things. I just want to remember the times we spent together and the time you told me your whole world revolved around me. I need your loving hands to come pick me up once more... To hold me, because my legs are too weak to stand on their own.

Owh yeah I forgot... No one cares. Especially you.

Don't mind me, teenage bitch with raging hormones coming through. Fuck pms.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yeah You

Only you can make pastry class bearable.

Did some last minute touch up on my Thinking Skills assignment on Monday at Coffee Bean with both the dudes =) And by last minute touch up I mean creating a blog from scratch. Come on right it's considered a miracle if I update my blog, yet alone create one. Left the place at 11.40pm and slept at 2am. CAFFIENE IS AWESOMESEST YO. And thank you thank you Car Yi for the video-!

Omg I swear to you, even if a girl ( me ) hangs out with smokers right, people will automatically think I'm one too-! I was temaning him outside coffee bean because he wanted to smoke ( note : I DO NOT SMOKE KAY ), so like... whatever the most common thing ever right. Then this sampat auntie from inside the shop kept looking at me with the hmph-young-girl-who-hangs-out-with-bad-company-and-smoke glare. Like what the fuck?! Mind your own business laa bitch-!

Speaking of bitches, I'd like to tell YOU ( like the bitchiest think-she-fucking-knows-it-all-bitch ) to back off and leave me the fuck alone. What, you think a couple of nasty vulgar post on your blog will crack me?! Hah not likely. And hey, it's not my fault if you can't keep your boyfriend from whoring around with other girls.

And no, calling me fat won't do much good either because I've already accepted that fact like... My whole life. And hey even if I am, there's always exercise, diet etc. But you're ugly, and you sure as hell can't change THAT. Ooohh burn. Kay I'm done bitching about you. Owh god I just waster 5 minutes of my life.

I've just realised something, I'm AM kindda competitive. Knowing that you put in so much effort into doing something and then get your hopes crushed by... Ooo I dunno, lets say a Loofah ( hypothetically ) really burns you. This week is getting more and more fucked up by the minute. Finals are next week-! Fuck you right side up =)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Everytime I Blink , I Think Of You

Taken while waiting for my turn... Bed making assessment. Who knew that standing on the ledge facing the parking lot would be so breezy, minus the delightful aroma of cow poop of course. Now I know why people smoke there XD.

Urgh I totally screwed my FO assignment on Thursday. I felt quite relaxed before going in but then I started of with "Good morning. Welcome to Taylors International Hotel". Then Ms. Ben Li went... "how can you say welcome when you can't even see the guest?". I was like owh okay sorry. But I repeated the same thing for 2 more times-! Everything after that was a complete train wreck because I was so goddamn nervous after my first THREE mistakes. FML.

But hey, I shall not dwell on the past because later that day I went to watch Toy fucking Story3 with the girls-! Omg yes it's definitely better than the last 2 ones man. My favourite character has always been Woody and Slinky. And now I've got a new one... Lotso Huggin Bear-! The bear that smells like strawberries =) I mean, the fact that the fluffy pink bear is twisted evil and cute all at the same time says it all. Lol.

Went to OneU on Saturday to watch A-Team with the mother and sister. Oh god we reached GSC at 9.45am just to buy tickets because I thought I had left my phone at home with the booking number in it heh. So ngam that after buying the tickets, I found my phone in my blouse pocket-! Ahahaha damn fail can?!

The movie was seriously... awesome? Transformers and Kick Ass can go suck A-Team's balls laa because it's like action packed and hilarious at the same time. *Duh* Bradley Cooper =)

Lunch at Wong Kok... Grr so much more better compared to Kim Gary although the service there kinda sucks. I know, waffles for lunch? Seriously? Harhar sweet tooth frenzy laa. But hey on the bright side I'm kindda exercising more now ( YOU don't laugh ).

So here I am on a Sunday afternoon. Stuck in the house with 3 loud mahjong kaki's... Watching Alice In Wonderland and completing my Thinking Skills report. Gosh it's so hard to get reliable help these days.

I'm not waiting, nor am I dreaming. Just hoping, plain ol' fucking hoping.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Discombobulate !

Adam Riff June 15 at 9:58pm Reply

"Hello people,Tomorrow's Lakeside Dodgeball training will be on as usual.

Venue : Lakeside Basketball Court
Date: 16 June 2010, Tomorrow
Time: 4pm - whenever

But be prepared for more intensive training. Fitness wise and technically. After the Figos Cup experience, it is certain that other colleges have been training more vigorously and are miles ahead.

MAPCU and College Dodgeball League will be coming soon.The time for relaxed sessions and playfulness is over.

Take a mental picture of who you are as a dodgeballer now,You will not recognize yourself anymore after months of training sessions. Better, stronger, faster, fitter.

And most importantly,the new picture of yourself will include you holding a Gold Medal..."

Then Andrea said "nothing one laa, for the Lakeside seniors only". MY FOOT AH-! But surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as the HELL I've been through from band practice. Like hello frog jumps and getting punished to hold up our instruments ( kesian ppl like me, Vincent and Jie Sheng lorr seriously ) while doing squats... FUCKING SQUATS-! Sheyt.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining about either Dodgeball "training" or the punishment during band practices. Call me sadistic, but there's this weird abnormal part of me that likes the pain XD

Viva La Finals people-! Gosh its already the end of term2. Can't wait for term3 because after that its Industrial Training wee-! The most shitty thing happened during bed making assessment today. After Wei Mae and I were done, Ms Vivian said that we were the fastest so like awesome right?! Then after Yi Wen and Michelle were done, Wei Mae and I were told that they broke the record and was faster than us by 2min.

Self esteem went DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN...

I Can Still Feel Your Heart Beat Fast When You Dance With Me

Hell to the yeah. Screw what you think. Accept me for who I am and the things that I do because I don't just change for nobody.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Never will I even have the courage to ask you. And even if I do, it is because my ego isn't as ginormous as yours. Either that, or I have no shame. Fuck it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wait For It...

... I promise I'm gonna quit...

... NOW =)

Yes, and I mean this second. Happy?

p/s : i love the fact that you know i love them.

Can't Fight This Feeling

Ooo last service class for term 2 was chuness-! For me laa because my guest was awesome... Like for the first time ever AWESOME. And and and they were hoteliers from the Crowne Plaza hotel. Harhar sorry and yes I DO feel the need to brag about my awesome guest.

Andrea was the manager. Thanks to her super super detailed planning we managed to finished mise en place on time for the first time. Working at the bar with Yellow Lover is cool because I get to annoy her even more by singing Justin Bieber's Baby. Hey what can I say... I got BIEBERFIED-!

And I fucking hate someone from either Group 4, 5 or 6 ( harhar not mentioning who coz then it'll be too obvious ).


Went to Wondermilk for cupcakes on Friday after class with the mother, Beebo, cousin and aunt. Lol right travelling all the way to Damansara just for cupcakes. Yes I love food THAT much. Was my first time there though. I think the drinks there are seriously overpriced. But my mum and aunt thinks that everything there is overpriced.

While this guy took down our orders from the counter, I was feeling abit kepoh so i went to look at the bar. Then this other guy popped up from the bar counter and guess what, he looked exactly like the guy that was taking my mum's order from the other counter-! So I was like eh how can you come over here so fast...

Then I turned around and OMG the same person was there. Like duh hello twins right but my brain was too slow to process it. Then the guy taking my mum's order kept looking at me funny because I kept turning my head to look at the both of them. Then only he told me that they were twins. Harhar paiseh XD

Went to Empire Gallery with the family on Saturday. The initial plan was dim sum for breakfast but I couldn't wake up lol. And for some reason, I was the only one who bought tons of stuff from all over the place hee... Fyi 13 pairs of shoes and counting =) Somehow rather I've got this shoe and bag fetish going on lately. Gonna get another bag for college on Thursday... Don't judge me thanks.

Argh my life is like falling down in a death spiral towards Earth lately. Even Beebo's starting to call me a Drama Queen. Fail max. Hopefully Toy Story3 with the girls on Thurs will jadi. Geez, I was suppose to watch all these fantabulous movies with you. Owh well, at least now I get to watch it with better people who actually care about me. Love love =)

Last service class for Term 2... And it was Miss Jasmine's birthday like look at that huge ass Birthday Card Nigel's holding up. I love my course. I love my batch. I love... =)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Every Now And Then I Fall Apart...

This term is fucking killer can?! Deadlines for almost every assignment coming up omg stress. However, if certain people would do their fucking jobs and fucking hand it up to me on time I wouldn't be THIS pissy and stressed.

I really don't understand the point in updating anymore. I always delete my latest post because... Well just because. And I think I've deleted more than 3 times already? Dunno, call me weird, but I'm an emotional bitch.

Rawr service class tomorrow is going to be a bomb-! Pls don't lemme spill, break anything or slip and fall flat on my arse *be optimistic damn*.

Guest : "Can I have chicken breast?"

Ariel : "Erm..." ( proceeds to look at service plate full of chicken lol )

Inside joke laa haiyohh. Lighten up will you?!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Batting Em Eyelashes For You

What if we didn't went out like during the weekends like usual?

What if I hadn't met up with my friend?

What if I hadn't brought it up?

What if we never ever met?

Oel ngati kameie... Would things have turned out differently? It hurts too much to even think about it.

My life is filled if " what if's ".