Taken while waiting for my turn... Bed making assessment. Who knew that standing on the ledge facing the parking lot would be so breezy, minus the delightful aroma of cow poop of course. Now I know why people smoke there XD.

Urgh I totally screwed my FO assignment on Thursday. I felt quite relaxed before going in but then I started of with "Good morning. Welcome to Taylors International Hotel". Then Ms. Ben Li went... "how can you say welcome when you can't even see the guest?". I was like owh okay sorry. But I repeated the same thing for 2 more times-! Everything after that was a complete train wreck because I was so goddamn nervous after my first THREE mistakes. FML.

But hey, I shall not dwell on the past because later that day I went to watch Toy fucking Story3 with the girls-! Omg yes it's definitely better than the last 2 ones man. My favourite character has always been Woody and Slinky. And now I've got a new one... Lotso Huggin Bear-! The bear that smells like strawberries =) I mean, the fact that the fluffy pink bear is twisted evil and cute all at the same time says it all. Lol.

Went to OneU on Saturday to watch A-Team with the mother and sister. Oh god we reached GSC at 9.45am just to buy tickets because I thought I had left my phone at home with the booking number in it heh. So ngam that after buying the tickets, I found my phone in my blouse pocket-! Ahahaha damn fail can?!
The movie was seriously... awesome? Transformers and Kick Ass can go suck A-Team's balls laa because it's like action packed and hilarious at the same time. *Duh* Bradley Cooper =)

Lunch at Wong Kok... Grr so much more better compared to Kim Gary although the service there kinda sucks. I know, waffles for lunch? Seriously? Harhar sweet tooth frenzy laa. But hey on the bright side I'm kindda exercising more now ( YOU don't laugh ).
So here I am on a Sunday afternoon. Stuck in the house with 3 loud mahjong kaki's... Watching Alice In Wonderland and completing my Thinking Skills report. Gosh it's so hard to get reliable help these days.

I'm not waiting, nor am I dreaming. Just hoping, plain ol' fucking hoping.
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