Thursday, October 21, 2010

U Know What...

Penang makes you do shit crazy things.
And... Front Office people aren't as get-together as they seem.
Nuff said.
But, what happens in Penang, stays in Penang XD

Friday, October 8, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want

7th October 2010

Not exactly the nicest picture to start off with, but given the condition I've been in for the last 2 days, I'll make do with just about anything.

So, Michelle slept over at my place the night before we left for Penang. Left the house around 8 in the morning. Although I don't show it well, I'm very grateful that my dad cares enough to send the both of us there.

Made a short stop at the Ipoh rest stop. Ma goodness it's like the nicest rest stop ever.

Ketupat-! Lol jakun sial.


The father then bought sweetcorn for us before leaving. What made this jagung outstanding is that it was swimming in half a cup of butter mmmmmmm yumms.

Yesh, the father exceeded the speed limit by 41km. Pastilah kena saman kan. He then proceeded to do what any true Malaysian would've done given the situation, he bribed the police officer.

Grr are we there et?y! Alas, after 3 and a half hours...

Hey, whats that we see up ahead? *squints eyes*

We've finally reached Penang-!

Don't play play with me can?! Ma grandfather's plaza okay-!

Made a short stop to buy tau sah beng for the mother and Michelle and I. But before that we had Penang char kuey teow for lunch which had 3 giganto prawns and shredded crab met mmm nomnomnom.

Took a short nap at Gurney Hotel because the father was staying there for the night. We then left for Batu Feringghi at 4pm.

Strolled and sampat'ed around the hotel for a little while before we had to meet or training manager, Wong, at 7pm. But even after that it was still too early so...

Heh heh we ate some more-! Mee rebus this time. One thing that I've discovered about Penang so far is that their "teh ping" is super diabetically sweet-! It's as though they're trying to kill us by overdosing us with sugar -.- And I don't know why but I'm thinking of Andrea right now lol.

You know you love us xoxo harhar.

Mich and I met up with Wong first before the others arrived. Turns out he's a really young fellow lol. He showed us around the operational part of the hotel after almost 1 and a half our of briefing. Then he brought us to our hostel. Be warned people, before I show you the awesomeness of our hostel.

Oops, these are the only 2 pictures I took of the "before" effect. And my camera doesn't do justice to the hostel pictures because it is seriously much much much worse like fuck my life.

Went to dinner with my dad and had a heart to heart talk with him about my current living quarters and about my future job. I'm not gonna deny, I had a shock and a momentarily mental lapse when I moved into the hostel because... I dunno. Lets just say I've never really appreciated what I had at home until now.

And I'd super super super like to thank Wen Yi, Wei Mae and Derek for teman'ing me during parts of the night. Please know that I love y'all kay =)

8th October 2010

Had breakfast at the food court below our condo. Harhar yes char kuey teow again. Went to buy toilet scrubs and getah slippers and anything else that we needed to disinfect our hostel.

Yay it's clean-! Sort of anyways. Not to be braggy or anything, but I think my camera's too good because it makes our hostel look so clean, homey and posh WHEN ITS NOT. And I've only used toilet once so far. Have been using Mich's boyf house toilet harhar thank you Seng Kin-!

Kitchen. We've managed to fill 2 garbage bags. Imagine that.

{ pic. of timmy the dirty toilet will be uploaded next time perhaps coz mich's laptop is being a bitch }

Mich's pride and glory AHAHAHAHA because that poor soul had to clean the toilet.

Mine and Mich's room. Bleh boleh tahan laa now.

View from the balcony. Loads of things to eat near our place man. Bad sign...

Took a bus to Gurney Plaza after that because Renee wanted to do some shopping... Heck we all did laa. But I promise I kept my spending to a minimum =) Mich's controlling me, unfortunately.

Renee far left. Seng Kin aka si bao bei on top. Ching Fang far right. We're all from Taylor's woo-!
Kay fine all my housemates are from Taylor's and we're very multicultural. Cina dari China pun ada, dari Indon pun ada dan dari America pun ada.

Super love my housemates btw. Except for 3 other whom I'm not very close with, seniors marh.

Finally got to watch Wall Street after decades of waiting since March. I still remember that I initially planned to watch it with Joanne Chee but owh well. And on a totally unrelated not, I want a hello kitty cover for my phone but they only have it for Blackberry =( Kay bimbo moment over.

Wan tan mee and dumpling soup for dinner at Gurney Drive. In conclusion, I think that this experience is doing me good. It has really slapped me in the face because life, really is unpredictable. But I'm gonna try my best now and strive harder. I'll get used to it soon. Gonna start work on Monday ooo Front Office first cant wait. Till next time =)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

3 Cheers To The Best Term

It seems as though just yesterday, I was 15 years old ( it was a damn good year for me ).

I thought of spending my bday alone, harhar to some its considered sad but I have been wanting to this for a long time because, what other day can you have the whole day to yourself right? Well plan failed max because my beloved juniors decided to go brekkie at KK and then lepak at the park afters.

After dropping all of them off, drove to Suriamas to pick Mich to support dodgeball people for their jackpot madness tournament. Like come on, where in the world can you ever find friends like us =)

Chili's for dinner that night. My first time having a meal there and oh em gee am loving it-! The ambiance is there is super cosy and the food is lagi best-! Harhar food addict. Imma make you people who're reading hungry heh...

Dad finally agreed on Chili's because my mum managed to persuade him with all her womanly charm and femininity. That, and it was my bday hee =) Owh and my dad's gonna send Mich and I to Penang-! If that's not love than i dunno what is.

My super mondo giganto beef bacon burger with chips.

Mum's grilled chicken, beef, shrimp and assorted veggies.

Sis's spaghetti.

Lol and there's a second part to my bday. Apparently Wen Yi was the mastermind behind the surprise party for Car Yi and I, with Andrea of course *fun fact, my bday falls on the 18th, hers on 18th. my dogs bday falls on the 6th of March, hers on the 7th* like wtf fated sisters-! So this brilliant group of people ( Ariel, Wei mae, Mich and Ywen ) were supposed to stall me by getting me to fetch all of them back to Suriamas to bath harhar. It worked laa anyways because I was still clueless when I arrived at the restaurant.

Car Yi wasn't surprised though because she had previously read the "surprise-msg" on fb which was titled DON'T OPEN WHEN QING AND CAR YI'S AROUND lol Andrea fail max.

Of course none of this couldn't have happened without Mr Patrick's help. The "organizers" told us the initial plan, which was to surprise us in the restaurant because Car was the next manager and me, the bartender. But Mr Pat suggested to have it in Windmill instead because... Ah, long story laa.

Fated sisters harhar =) I'd like to thank everyone from Grp5,6 and some frm 4 for everything-! Especially Wenyi my awesome mother, Andrea my loving small thing and Mr Patrick. Y'all sure made my 18th the most memorable one ever <3>
Sleepover at Ariel's after FYE-!!!!!!!!!!! Ah omg finally I've slept for not more than 3hours for 3 days just to study-! Now I know what you're thinking, and no I did not study at the last minute. Also, the exam period was my first time ever consuming 5cans of red bull in 30hours. Harhar. A shrine should be built in honour of the person who created redbull.

Eesh my last time playing dodgeball with the dudes for 3months and we couldn't even play properly because of the stupid rain. Imagine ter-kissing the a soggy black wet ball like FML. THANK U WENYI-!

Last dinner with some of the classmates at this Penang restaurant at The Curve then movie afters. Ariel, Ellen and I were super late though because of the fucking crazy ass jam in front of Sunway Giza. We moved 2m in like 35minutes. 35 FREAKING MINUTES-! Like what the hell, why can't all the other people just stay at home and watch America's Next Top Model instead.

Aww, I wont be able to see all these losers for 3months =( Please please promise to skype with me kay-! Had Sunday cone for dessert at Mc'D before we headed into the cinema. Forgotten the name of the movie, The Legend of dunno what, masked warrior? Another one of Donnie Yen's show DONNIE YEN-! In my opinion, I thought that the storyline was a bit similar to Ip Man, what with the conflicts between the Japanese and British. Ahaha but you get to see Donnie Yen shirtless and buffer *swoons*.

Ariel cooking maggie for me-! It's like my fourth time sleeping over at Ariel's place. Haiyohh I think I should just move in laa XD I love staying over at her place, feels so homey <3>
And her mum's soup is da bomb-! Harhar. Kay fine so basically I will love anyone who cooks for me.

We all slept early, 3am, if you consider at early. We didn't even get to talk much because we were all so exhausted from studying ( cheh wah pro ni ). Ellen sleeps funny harhar.

Hmm I can't decide whether she looks like a witch more, or a homeless hobo more lol don't kill me.

Was suppose to have breakfast with Andrea and Car Yi the next morning but owh well. Highlight if you wana read : * Yeah im over it. But truth to be told I WAS kindda angry. Im not mad at the fact that you choose them over us. But like I told you the night before, you guys can always go for yum cha sessions with dodgeppl anytime but im not gonna be here for 3months and I doubt you will be able to see ariel or the others much too. So yeah, I know i don't know what goes on during training to make you guys so emo all the time. But hey I'm just saying. I still love you. You know that =) *

So went to Subang Murni with Ariel instead. Can't believe we actually sat there for 2hours just talking-! And because I was fetching her back, in return, she belanja'd me lunch aww. I tell you this few ppl ( mich, wenyi, ariel, ellen and ywen ) better fetch me around when they can finally drive I tell you. Show no mercy XD

And thus, I end this post with my best regards to the whole of DH, DC and DT35 for their industrial training. Let us all return as better and stronger people after our 3months of hard work. I wish you all the best. Buddha bless and enjoy your training.